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How to Keep Your Reports Organized

"A place for everything, and everything in its place." – Beeton

In business, life is so much easier when we are organized and can find what we are looking for when we need it. This concept applies to our physical and our electronic reports and files.

How can you keep your electronic reports organized?

Have a plan. If you do not have a plan for you and your staff, now is the time! Make a plan to organize the digital files and reports.

Declutter. Incorporate scheduled ongoing decluttering into your organizing plan. A date on the calendar to declutter will give you and your staff time to review the files and reports and declutter regularly. Doing so will keep your files organized.

Report names matter. Name your reports and report folders so you and your staff know what the report does. Doing so will make finding the report you need within seconds, saving time, money, and frustration.

Use report folders to keep reports that are similar together. You might want a folder named "Customers" for general customer reports and another report folder called "Vessels" for vessel reports.

Scribble Software's solutions, MARINAGO Office cloud solutions and MarinaOffice desktop solutions offer our customers many report options. There is a set of reports that come with the system and the ability for the user to create reports based on their needs quickly.

As a current MARINAGO Office cloud solutions customer, you have many reporting options with the Enterprise Reporting Module. Including:

Reports based on the user's access is not a problem! Your staff fulfills different roles at your company and should only see the data as applicable.

Reports for one property or more! MARINAGO Office makes it extremely easy to run a report for one or more properties. Of course, users can only run and view reports for the data and properties you give them access to.

MARINAGO Office Enterprise Reporting Module includes standard reports, all already organized in folders.

Company report folders are available just for your company. This set of folders is where you and your staff save reports and report folders specifically for your company and property users.

User-specific folders and reports are available. If users want to create folders and reports only they will see and run, they can.

You like a standard report but want to change it based on your needs. No problem! You can run the report, make changes to it, and save it in your company folders or your user folder.

Use technology to streamline, automate, organize, and make intelligent business decisions today!

We are here to help you choose the correct marina technical solutions for your business needs, whether cloud or desktop. For more information on all our products, check out our website and give us a call today!

Please check our blog and social media in the previous and coming weeks for specific details on how Scribble Software's solutions help your team streamline particular business processes, including reservations, fuel purchases, and more!

Contact our Sales Team at (804) 427-8100 x7 or and learn how Scribble Software's solutions can help you streamline many processes in your business!

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